Testing MarsEdit Video Publishing

Here’s a sample QC Video of one of my customers watches, I just want to check for future reference that the video displays and plays correctly.



Ok, so that didn’t work as planned, lets try code flickr gives me..


Nope that code didn’t work either.  I know I can post a link to my video but where’s the fun in that?  Its been so long since I have blogged, I have forgot how to embed a video.


Anyone got any tips?

Another test in the meantime, here’s an unrelated video of a friend of mine published on youtube.


First lets try the link

Now lets try the code from youtube..




I believe the video will display below now as I have used the old type embedded code.






Revising an old Friend, MarsEdit from Red Sweater

This is a simple test post, published remotely rom MarsEdit on my iMac.  Hopefully this works, and the photos display correctly below.  Its been a couple of years since I have blogged, so just getting back into the swing of things once again.

The following photos are just random photos from todays watchmaking work, and serve only a purpose to test remote image publishing from flickr.



That’s all folk’s.